Japan History: Akechi Mitsuhide

Akechi Mitsuhide (1526 - July 1582), also known as Koreta Mitsuhide, was a Japanese general. Son of Akechi Mitsukuni, Mitsuhide served Asakura Yoshikage and in 1566 he became a messenger for the "wandering wanderer" Ashikaga Yoshiaki. However, his greatest fame was that of being one of the generals in the service of the daimyō Oda Nobunaga, and his betrayal caused his death.

Akechi Mitsuhide

photo credits: samurai-world.com

He began to serve Oda Nobunaga in 1566 after the conquest of the province of Mino and in 1571, proving himself as skilled general, he received the territory of Sakamoto as a fief. Oda Nobunaga, seeing him as one of the men he could trust most, commissioned him to pacify the Tamba region and place it under the control of his lord. His military campaigns against local clans were successful and once he conquered the territory, he was rewarded with Kamiyama Castle by becoming the governor of Hyūga province.


In 1579 Mitsuhide conquered Yakami Castle which belonged to Hatano Hideharu and negotiated with him the terms for pacification. Oda Nobunaga, in total disagreement with the agreements made by his vassal, had Hideharu executed. At that point, the Hatano clan retaliated against Akechi Mitsuhide by killing his mother who had been kept hostage during the negotiations. This was probably one of the reasons that led Mitsuhide to betray Oda Nobunaga.

Akechi Mitsuhide

photo credits: samurai-world.com

On June 21, 1582, Nobunaga, in an attempt to escape the coup d'état organized by Mitsuhide, took refuge in the Honnō-Ji, a Kyoto temple that Mitsuhide burned. At that point, it is not known if Nobunaga died in the fire or if he had time to make seppuku first, but at the news of his death, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu gathered their armies to chase Mitsuhide. Hideyoshi was the first to find him and defeated him in the battle of Yamazaki during which Nobunaga's traitor was killed by a bandit called Nakamura. Due to his death, he was nicknamed Jūsan-kobū (thirteen-day Shōgun).

The reasons for the betrayal

Akechi Mitsuhide

photo credits: samurai-world.com

We don't know all the reasons that led Mitsuhide to betray Nobunaga, one could be what we have already said involving the murder of his mother. Another could concern the friendship that tied Akechi Mitsuhide with Shikoku daimyo Chosokabe Motochika. Around 2013, researchers discovered a series of letters in the Okayama Museum between Akechi Mitsuhide and his longtime friend, Chosokabe Motochika. The letters had been written a few months before the May 21, 1582 attack on Honno-Ji. According to the letters, Chosokabe had decided not to oppose Nobunaga and was willing to submit to the warlord. In response, it appears that Mitsuhide was trying to avoid taking part in Shikoku's submission to avoid a future dispute that could have involved Chosokabe. Just to protect his friend, Akechi Mitsuhide probably decided to betray Nobunaga.

Another probable reason was Mitsuhide's knowledge of Nobunaga's future plans that he wished to rule the nation. Nobunaga had said he wanted to become Tenka Fubu, the only ruler under the sky. For this reason, it was assumed that he wanted to overthrow the emperor so that there would be no one above him. Perhaps Akechi Mitsuhide decided to eliminate Nobunaga thus saving the imperial family and the emperor.

According to some sources he managed to save himself in the battle of Yamazaki by becoming a monk named Nankobo Tenkai. His life is completely immersed in mystery and continues, even today, to arouse doubts and create assumptions.

Merippa, the comfort of home directly from Japan

Feel good at home, feel truly at home with Merippa, available at TENOHA &| SHOP in TENOHA Milano. Comfort has never been so beautiful!

Merippa Merippa

Soft and comfortable, these slippers fit perfectly on your feet . After a stressful day, How much would you like to be able to go home and wear comfortable shoes, especially if you have a job that requires high heels? Or, how much would you like to make a beloved and special gift? Merippa will give you the comfort, warmth and innovation you are looking for thanks to the new slippers that can also be used as comfortable socks. They resemble slippers, but they are as light as socks, thanks to the Japanese fabric with which they are created. A great combination of elegant design and functionality. There are many people who like to wear socks at home, others who want slippers, Merippa satisfies both! Reversible, soft, light, resistant slippers that you can machine wash and carry in your suitcase, precisely because of their ability to be folded up like socks. No more space occupied unnecessarily with Merippa, it takes very little to carry them around everywhere and despite this, the textile quality is very high and with a large variety of colour choices. Have you seen them? Have you seen how many colours are available? Comfort, as we said, has never been so beautiful!

Merippa Merippa

In Japan, there are various Merippa pop-up shops. We are talking about a very famous brand in Japan that is now becoming almost viral here in Italy! Merippa is everywhere and you can find it at TENOHA &| SHOP in Milan, with its winter and spring collections.

Merippa is what you are looking for to be cool even in the comfort of your home. The focus of this brand is precisely to be able to give beauty and elegance even in moments of relaxation. If you have friends at home, you will see how much your Merippa slippers will be envied! Surely they will also ask you where you got them, well ... the answer is simple: a TENOHA &| SHOP!

Be unique and particular even within the walls of your home, let Merippa tempt you, the beauty, absolute comfort and practicality of Japan finally here in Italy!

Fukushima Mirai Challenge Project and the future of Japan

The future is at TENOHA Milano with the Fukushima Mirai Challenge project, available until the end of February.

If you want to know what the word "resilience" really means, you need to dwell on this article. We are talking about the future, rebirth, enthusiasm, passion and true love. In Japanese, Mirai means Future, the future of Fukushima prefecture. Since March 3, 2011 nothing has remained the same since the tragedy in which the earthquake and tsunami destroyed families, houses and businesses. As I said, nothing has remained the same and there is something that has blossomed like a flower in the desert: the desire for rebirth. Resilience. To continue your work despite everything. This is exactly the basis of the Fukushima Mirai Project, the project for the FUTURE. Twelve municipalities in the prefecture of Fukushima adhere to this important project and have decided to return to their activities after the evacuation order that took place years ago.

Fukushima Mirai Challenge Fukushima prefecture Fukushima Mirai Challenge

The rebirth of Fukushima with the Fukushima Mirai Challenge

In the Fukushima Mirai Project, there is the desire to start again, to rebuild and create, to revalue cities, to be reborn. In fact, this project supports autonomous companies, promoting their development also in the foreign market. Today we will take for example two areas that are struggling with their wonderful products to be reborn, read carefully not only with your eyes but, above all, also with your heart.

Fukushima Mirai Challenge Fukushima Future Fukushima Mirai Challenge

Saiei Orimono with Kawamata Silk

The challenge of the "Saiei Orimono" company in the city of Kawamata participating in the Fukushima Mirai Project is that of "the thinnest silk in the world". Surely you know how much of precious fabric silk can be, but have you ever touched the lightest silk in the world? Feeling it in your hands is something unique, incredibly evanescent, just like a feather and in fact, more than 1000 spectators, ambassadors of each country included, were able to admire the "Fairy feather" silk during a show that was held at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris. Do you know what it is? The lightest and thinnest silk in the world, therefore a feather, for this reason, the dress deserved the name of "Fairy feather". In Japanese it is said hagoromo which means feather dress. At TENOHA &| SHOP you can find scarves of various colours made with this incredible fabric.

Fukushima Challenge Fukushima Mirai Challenge

Saiei Orimono & Beyond Kimono

BEYOND KIMONO at the UNESCO headquarters informs us of the many compliments from the audience for the colours and texture of the fabrics. This shiny, subtle, firm and iridescent product is unique and manages to make you feel incredibly special. Many brands from all over the world have chosen this fabric for everyday clothing such as scarves.

For a practical example of the lightness of the fabric, President Yasuyuki Saito said that a normal wedding dress weighs more than 10 kg. The wedding dress that uses Fairy Feather silk weighs less than a tenth of 600 grams. Before making this special fabric, Saito's thought developed thanks to a designer, Yumi Katsura, who had worked on wedding dresses before. "I want to create a dress with which the bride can also dance at her wedding". This is where the thinnest silk in the world comes in! This thought gave birth to the beauty and lightness that marry and rests gently and elegantly on you.

Due to the earthquake in the Tohoku region, the company also suffered from logistic disruptions. The difficulties they faced were many, but they also have an even greater desire for rebirth. In fact, the Fairy Feather dress was completed the year after the earthquake, despite all the difficulties, always remaining in continuous development.

The desire for rebirth of this company is concentrated on the quality of this silk that you can all touch and wear now thanks to the Fukushima Mirai Project and to TENOHA &| SHOP, TENOHA Milano.

Ikariya Shoten with Ōborisoma-yaki

Let's move from clothing to traditional crafts used by the prefecture of Fukushima and beyond. With Ōborisoma-yaki we have ceramics that have cracks, double cooking and colour as main features. Also due to the 2011 earthquake, the evacuated companies have looked for various places to continue production, as a cooperative, continuing their work.

Japanese ceramic Ceramics

Ōborisomayaki is a term that indicates the pottery produced throughout the Ōbori area, in the cities of Namie and Futaba. We are talking about a ceramic with an important history behind it that even begins in the Edo period. In feudal society, it was called Soma, after which it became Ōborisoma-yaki. The production of this material had become a secondary activity for farmers. However, it became so important that it reached 100 production ovens at the end of the Edo period, spreading from the island of Hokkaido to the entire Kanto area.

Ōborisoma-yaki and the Meiji era

In the Meiji era, after the war, the production centre increased dramatically. The market from Japan also spread to the United States under the name of "Idea Cup" and "Double Cup".

The Tokyo Electric Company's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident in March 2011 forced all residents of the city of Namie to evacuate until the end of March 2017. Instead, the Ōbori area where Ōborisoma pottery was produced, was and still is inaccessible.

Fukushima Mirai Challenge

Obviously, all this did not deter the Ōborisoma-yaki Cooperative which in 2012 created a temporary laboratory and an office in Nihonmatsu. Pottery lessons, exhibition and sale of products, workshops, common ovens for potters who wanted to go ahead with their activities were also born in this area.

Ordering Ōborisoma-yaki products, requests for exhibitions at ceramic events and classes are just some of the elements of rebirth we can witness. The works of Oborisoma-yaki are also here in TENOHA &| SHOP, TENOHA Milano, who proudly participated in the Fukushima Mirai Challenge project.

Fukushima Mirai Challenge Fukushima Mirai Challenge Fukushima Mirai Challenge

Fukushima Mirai Challenge, unique products

Fukushima Mirai Challenge is a project that not only gives us unique products but also supports an important story. Every product we wear or keep with us means rebirth. In fact, the thinnest silk in the world from Kawakama and the splendid Ōbori ceramics are only an important part of the future of Fukushima.

Do you want to touch the future yourself? Do you accept this important Challenge? We look forward to seeing you at TENOHA Milano for the entire month of February and remember that any purchase will go in favour of the government project to recover the disaster areas. Each of us can contribute to the rebirth of Fukushima and support this very important project, becoming an essential part of the future of Fukushima Mirai Challenge.

Official Website | Facebook page


HAKKEN SHINSHU, a special Valentine's Day in TENOHA Milano in collaboration with PRIME MEAT, an amazing Wagyu experience. You already know that the union TENOHA Milano and PRIME MEAT is a winning one right? Remember the wonderful menu last Wagyu December? Now you can get inebriated again with the best meat in the world, Wagyu!


Thanks to PRIME MEAT and TENOHA Milano we can enjoy the Wagyu experience, let your beloved half try it too! If you don't know where to spend Valentine's day with your partner or if you want to try a new and exciting experience, we have the solution! Have a special and unusual evening in the welcoming environment of TENOHA Milano with a special formula, a menu chosen for Valentine's Day! The experience we are talking about is dedicated to the SHINSHU area right in the centre of Japan. The special guests of the evening will be the great Chef Kubo and Chef Tsukada. They will be the ones to guide you in the discovery of different types of sake combined with the incredible recipes created with the typical products of Shinshu.

Hakken Shinshu: the Wagyu menus

APERIDINNER • Special St. Valentine
1 DRINK included - last order 9.30 pm

3 pieces of Nigiri
3 types of Otsumami
3 types of Sake

Standard +
2 Nigiri of Wagyu

LARGE € 25
Standard +
2 Nigiri of Wagyu
& Ramen

Already from the menu, you can realize the speciality you are going to try. But it will never be like tasting them, so join us and spend a special Valentine's Day here in TENOHA Milano with PRIME MEAT SELECTION! Feel as if you were in Shinshu with love and discover the heart of Japan!


When: February 14, from 18:00 to 22:30
Where: TENOHA MILAN - Via Vigevano, 18

Tougei, a breath of joy and nature for your home[:]

A completely renovated and particular house with Tougei! On the table, you can show the most beautiful, fun and special cutlery!

Tougei Tougei

What's Tougei

Tougei is a Japanese company that produces wooden tableware and ships them all over the world. Founded in 1980, Tougei uses the finest woods, that is beech, cherry and sawo which is an Indonesian plant. Why wood? First of all for its resistance, then for its uniqueness because two identical kinds of wood do not exist. There are many differences in colours, veins and knots, as each person has a different personality from the others.

Tougei Tougei

The quality is very high and thanks to the careful processing of the wood finish, the product is not only smooth to the touch but aesthetically perfect. Tougei has created tableware not only to be admired by adults but also to be loved by children who will feel happier to eat with cat-shaped or squirrel-shaped spoons. Tougei combines business with pleasure and beauty!

The products

Many times we have guests in the house and we would always like to show off a particular and elegant table. As a gift idea, or for your own home, these products are the solution that was missing and now it exists! At TENOHA &|SHOP you can find the necessary to renew your table as you prefer, thanks to Tougei. Your table will not go unnoticed, as your gift for those you love will not go unnoticed, it is a novelty, it is elegance. Butter knives, cutlery for cake and jam, sugar spoons, ladles, bowls, chopsticks and chopsticks holders, everything is new, as you have never really seen it!

Tougei Tougei

Perfect for the home, wonderful as a gift but also excellent for restaurants! If you want to renovate your restaurant with cutlery, special bowls and excellent quality, something that can also be nice for children with the animal line, rely on Tougei! Take a look at the products in TENOHA &| SHOP and choose the tableware item you like best. Give a new life to your table with Tougei, even everyone will see you as special and different from the rest.

A different restaurant and table, it's time to renew! It's time for all Japanese new items and elegance! Are you ready for Tougei?


TENOHA &| TASTE: Chef Sawayama choices

In February there is a special menu that the great chef Sawayama chose for TENOHA Milano. Japan lovers and not, the festivities in TENOHA never end! This is an opportunity that you absolutely cannot miss. We are talking about a special menu, chosen by a great Japanese chef with dishes that you won't find easily. As we have often said, you don't need to fly to Japan to taste something special, without a plane, just with the subway, the car or the bicycle and you are in TENOHA Milano!

As you well know, TENOHA Milano has accustomed you very well to traditional and special dishes already with the famous HAKKEN menu. Well, now chef Sawayama wants to surprise you again with a new menu chosen by him, only in February. Let's take a look.


CURRY - 16€
Japanese curry is dreamy, here we find it with beef, vegetables, rice salad and kobachi.




YU DOFU - 12€
Chef Sawayama wants you to taste the tofu in hot kombu seaweed broth, spicy toubanjang sauce and soy sauce with vegetables. If you don't know what we are talking about, let yourself be tempted by this unique appetizer.


As you can see in the photo, it is not only a delicious but also a wonderful to see dish, as they say, Instagram ready. Amberjack carpaccio in dried tomato sauce served with marinated red daikon and dill.

TENOHA curry sawayama

Even in the evening, you can enjoy Japanese beef and vegetable curry served with rice.

Don't miss the chance and don't miss any of the choices because this menu will only be available in February, so hurry up. We are all waiting for you here at TENOHA Milano.

Further information: https://www.tenoha.it/
TENOHA MILANO — Via Vigevano, 18, 20144 Milano

Replug, unleash your creativity with Japanese stationery

We are all a little tired of the usual stationery gifts, it's time to change to the stationery brand directly from Japan: Replug! Let's get to know a new important brand of the Japanese tradition, created by TDS Co. Tokyo.

Replug Replug

Replug tells us about advertising planning and creation of projects, with unique stationery products. Have you ever thought about how stationery could be a way of developing and showing your creativity? Business cards, sticky notes, wall calendars everything the creators are proud of. Maybe everything we've always looked for and never found. In fact, we often find everyday objects that do not have all this peculiarity. However, we find this particularity, personalization and practicality in these Replug products. We are talking about simple designs that will be able to give a touch of uniqueness and comfort to users, also because they are products that can be completely assembled and mixed together! Are you ready to know them all so that you can also study all the possible combinations?

Let's take a look at these products by browsing them one by one:

Replug Moon Calendar 2019 Replug Moon Calendar Gold 2019


It is not just a calendar, but something that we have probably been looking for for some time. Do you love the moon? Do you know someone who loves the moon? This is the ideal object to give or keep for yourself. in fact, this wall calendar not only shows the days but also the phases of the moon and we know how important the moon is, right?
The silhouette of the moon with its phases is represented every day, from January to December. Know in advance (and with elegance) what awaits you this year.

Replug Triangular 2020

Replug Replug

And as a desk calendar? Obviously Replug does not offer you the classic product, but something absolutely unique, never seen before! A calendar that folds into a triangle so that you can see three months at a time. One of the many beautiful and interesting things about this calendar is that you can not only leave it on your desk but also carry it in your bag so that you can always have it at hand. From January 2020 to February 2021, experience uniqueness with this calendar, both in the office and on the go.

3’s Calendar 2020

One of the nice things about Replug is that it gives you the opportunity to choose between many variations of the same product. Now let's talk about another desk calendar. the New standard for the three-month calendar. With this elegant and unique design, you can have under control three months at a time and the contrast between black and white adds a strong and angular presence.

Tag Schedule

Replug Replug

Here's a really useful and interesting thing. Your notes will be ready to stick wherever you want! I don't know about you, but I often don't find a sticky sheet to schedule a meeting or a commitment, here with Replug's Tag Schedule there is the possibility of having everything in a comfortable gesture! Plan and attach the commitment you scheduled so that it can be seen! On the notebook, PC monitor, desk or refrigerator. As always, we can count not only on a unique design but also on a powerful adhesive that will keep your commitment handy as long as you want! The colours are varied and according to your choice! What do you prefer between dark blue, red, brown, light blue and light grey?

Sara’s book

Replug Replug

Even if it is written that it is Sara's book, this is a notebook to be used freely as you prefer. It is comfortable because it is the same size as a business card holder and particular for its attractive design. You can create a new notebook by personalizing it in the way you prefer. Start creating your personal one with your Sara's book! The colors are many, red, white, grey, black and their combinations!

Log Book

An agenda where business cards can be placed! Have you ever seen it? Maybe not, because Replug has launched this very interesting gift and personal idea for an incredibly particular and elegant business! Are you ready to be unique in your business meetings? With Log Book you will give your loved ones or, why not, yourself a unique and professional design. Because, after all, we are all businessmen.

Your Log

What is Your Log? A memo card booklet with the right size to take it anywhere! You will never forget an appointment with Replug's Your Log any more, you will remember everything not only effectively but very elegantly and you will not go unnoticed. Create "your album" with everything you like!


Replug Replug

And if we want to combine business with pleasure? If we want to have fun while being effective in work and in life? Replug offers us Taco-ASHI! An exclusive octopus-shaped sticky note pad is in use from the office to the private scene. The perfect gift for those who want to be and feel practical, fun and very Japanese-like!



Here we are with another unique item: The Washi-Dog! Replug offers you a "hairy" greeting card with Mino washi fibers. You have certainly never seen such original greeting cards! This product uses Mino Washi, one of the traditional Japanese papers which gives a smooth surface sensation. The Washi-Dog is made by Japanese craftsmen patiently one by one and can be used both as a business card and as an ornament. Really too good!

Atelier mio


This is an interesting innovative product for children and not only! It is a calendar with sheets for drawing, from the "Reggio Emilia" pedagogical method. It is located in the corner of the TENOHA &| SHOP to understand its use, so you can try it! Children can start drawing thanks to the shapes and it will be very interesting to see the colours they choose and how they colour with their fingers! An experience that will surely enrich us adults too. There aren't many opportunities that allow us to experience all this, so what are you waiting for? Get to know this Replug product, which is not only beautiful and particular to exhibit but also a novelty and a lesson for all of us, young and old.
KITPAS colours are safe for children and easy to remove from your fingers with a wet cloth or tissue.

All the Replug products we have just talked about are available at TENOHA & | SHOP! Come and experience innovation and fun!


JAPAN DENIM arrives at TENOHA Milano

JAPAN DENIM, a unique and unprecedented collection at TENOHA MILANO! A brand entirely dedicated to denim absolutely nowhere to be found.


This brand has an extraordinary quality, both for the level of stitching and for the technological and passionate skills of designers active both in Japan and abroad. And not only! It is a quality also chosen by major foreign brands for any type of denim product.
Japanese denim is in demand from all over the world for its great quality. 80% of the production takes place in the Bichu Bingo area around the city of Fukuyama (Hiroshima) and the city of Ibara (Okayama). "JAPAN DENIM" is a real international project!


To increase the quality, the technical competence of denim, especially internationally! Each product has a label that identifies the manufacturer and the companies involved. In this way, denim-related companies will have more chances to meet other designers to get new businesses.

How about attending the JAPAN DENIM launch party at TENOHA Milano? A unique opportunity to have fun and see the birth of something really new. The POP-UP STORE will be available from February 4th to 9th! Don't miss this opportunity !!

Launch Party & Pop-Up Store

When: February 4th from 18:00 to 20:00
DJ SET Andrea Ratti
Where: TENOHA MILAN - Via Vigevano, 18, 20144 Milan

Website: japandenim.jp
For more information: https://www.tenoha.it/shop/japan-denim/